30 March 2017
Working party update
The working party has had seven meetings and is in the process of finalising its joint statement. You can find out more about the working party, their terms of reference and read all the notes from the meetings meeting notes on the project website under "Akaroa Treated Wastewater Reuse Options Working Party" section of the page.
Here are the members of the working party, including alternate members:
Penny Carnaby (Independent Chairperson) Christine Wilson (Chairperson of Banks Peninsula Community Board) Pam Richardson (Banks Peninsula Community Board member) Janis Haley (Banks Peninsula Community Board member) Andrew Turner (Councillor Banks Peninsula ward) Andrew Dalglish (Community member, Akaroa) Kitt Grigg (Community member, Akaroa) John Davey (Alternate community member, Akaroa) Brent Martin (Community member, Robinson's Bay) Suky Thompson (Community member, Robinson's Bay) Kathleen Reid (Alternate community member, Robinsons Bay) Kevin Simcock (Community member, Takamātua) Mark Wren (Community member, Takamātua) Trevor Bedford (Alternate community member, Takamātua) Murray Johns (Landowner, Pompeys Pillar) Will Johns (Alternate landowner, Pompeys Pillar) Debbie Tikao (Representative Ōnuku Rūnanga) Rik Tainui (Representative Ōnuku Rūnanga) Manaia Cunningham (Representative Te Rūnanga o Koukourārata)
We need your feedback
The next round of public consultation on the Akaroa wastewater project is about to open. We will be asking for feedback from Monday 3 April until 30 April 2017. There will be a number of properties who will receive hand delivery or postal copies of the full consultation booklet which also includes a paper feedback form. These are due to be posted and hand delivered on Monday 3 April. If you haven't received one you will be able to view the document online on the have your say page from 3 April and you can then also make your submission online. The booklets will also be available to take away at all Council service centres. We would encourage you to provide us with your feedback, as this will assist the Hearings panel in making their recommendation to Council and help the Council to make their decision on which option to pursue.
We will also be offering a number of face to face opportunities for you to find out more about the project and ask the project team some questions. These sessions are not public meetings, so you can pop along at any time during the session.
Sunday 9 April 2017, 1 pm to 4 pm (drop in at any time) at the Gaiety Hall, Rue Jolie in Akaroa Tuesday 11 April 2017, 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm (drop in at any time) at Civic Offices, Function Room, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
A consultation meeting will be held at Ōnuku Marae, where Council staff and consultants will provide information and answer questions about the five options, and Ōnuku Rūnanga will explain the cultural significance of this project to local Rūnanga. If you are planning on attending this meeting it is important that you arrive just before 6 pm, as the meeting will begin at 6 pm.
Tuesday 18 April 2017, 6 pm to 8.30 pm at Ōnuku Marae, 389 Onuku Road, Akaroa
You are also welcome to contact one of the members of the working party if you have any questions on this project, and would feel more comfortable speaking with someone who is local to your community.
If you would like any further information about this project, please don't hesitate to contact us, by contacting Tara King on (03) 941 5938 or you can use our project team email address which is AkaroaWWProject@ccc.govt.nz.
Thanks again for your interest in this project. We will continue to update you on this project via this e-newsletter as more information becomes available.
Kind regards From the Akaroa Treated Wastewater Project Team - Bridget, Mike and Tara"