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Wastewater update - We are making an impact

Latest news on Akaroa Wastewater - Christchurch City Council intends to discharge wastewater overflows onto Childrens Bay Beach through the seawall behind the boat store (in the car park behind the Recreation Ground beside the boat launch area. We need to stop this insanity. Read the report HERE.  

Many thanks to everyone who has donated to the ‘Sanity not Sewage Overflows’ fundraising campaign so far. The first week of the hearings for the proposed Akaroa Wastewater system were held in November. We were impressed by the detailed and probing questions asked of the Council by the Hearing Panel. Our expert evidence and legal submissions so far have made a big difference to the process raising up the issues that the Panel needs to delve into.

Hearings reconvene in Akaroa on January 28/29th with Friends of Banks Peninsula and our experts presenting on February 11th. Please come along to support us, and please talk to your friends and relatives over the holidays about the wastewater issue. We are still fundraising to maximise the expert and legal support for our case for February 11th. More donations are very appreciated!


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